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Service to the Community

Thanksgiving Dinner

Each year on Thanksgiving Day our parish Outreach Ministry holds a community Thanksgiving dinner.  Members of St. Matthew parish donate turkeys, cook turkeys, help prepare side dishes and serve a turkey dinner to anyone who might be alone or unable to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving meal, including pumpkin pie! There are several ways to help (in and out of the kitchen) before and on Thanksgiving Day.

Outreach Ministry

Our parish has an active group that offers assistance to those in need of food, clothing, or other emergency help.  Funds to support the work of this group are collected in donation boxes in the church and through the collection.  The members of the group respond to calls for assistance.  Members provide personal care supplies and financial assistance when warranted on behalf of Saint Matthew parishioners.  The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.  Members usually serve once a month to those in need of assistance.

Hilkert Center

Our parish community supports the “Father Hilkert Center” located at Visitation of Mary Church.  Food and donations for this local outreach center are collected at the entrances to the Church.  Willing assistants are needed to help at the Center.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Shawl makers gather on the second Wednesday of each month.  Intentions for those in need of prayer are kept in mind during the knitting or crocheting of the shawl.  Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way to those who need prayer, comfort, and hope.  Instruction is provided. 


Appalachian Mission Team

St Matthew Parish has teamed up with the Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) to send a team (or two) of parishioners to work with people in Appalachian Kentucky who need assistance, primarily with home repairs.  No special skills are required, only a desire to be of service to those in need.  The mission team travels to Kentucky for one week in May or June.  CAP provides training, supplies, technical support, housing, and meals.  

Rosary Makers

A dedicated group of men and women gather once a month to hand craft bead rosaries for distribution to anyone who needs one, as well as to send to mission countries.  This is a practical work of evangelization, publicizing an important Catholic custom, assisting those in need of prayer, and reaching out to other peoples to share the Word of God through this ministry of prayer!



Cancer Spirituality Group

This gathering is for those who are on the cancer journey: those who are facing the diagnosis of cancer at the present time or who have faced the diagnosis in the past, those who are interested in exploring and talking about the cancer experience in the context of spirituality. All are welcome!



Christmas 'Giving Tree'

Each year at the beginning of Advent, trees are placed in the church with ornaments handmade by the girl scouts.  On the back of each ornament is the gender, age, or gift suggestion of an individual receiving services from a local social service agency such as homeless shelters and children's services. Parishioners who participate in this ministry take an ornament, purchase and wrap the gift, and place it under the tree.  Prior to Christmas, the gifts are delivered to the proper agency.  Volunteers can also help with preparing ornaments, decorating the tree or delivering gifts.   


St. Matthew Parish Catholic Church

Mass Schedule:


Saturday:  4:00 pm Vigil

Sunday:    8:00 am 10:30 am


Weekdays: 8:00 am

(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday)


Holy Day:  4:00 pm Vigil, 8:00 am and 7:00 pm

Contact Us:

Parish Office


330-733-9424 (fax)




2603 Benton Avenue

Akron, Ohio 44312

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