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Parish Groups

Holy Name Society

This group is open to all men and women of the parish, and is dedicated to the service of the parish community through sponsorship of community events and fundraising activities.  The members of the Society meet on the second Thursday of each month and gather at the 8:00 Mass on the second Sunday of each month to pray together.































Young boys and girls participate in activities that promote leadership, physical health, emotional well-being, learning, and friendship in a Christian setting.  Scout meetings are held Monday evenings from 6:45 to 8:00.  Cub Scouts meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00.  All training and certification is provided for leaders and assistants.



 Girl Scouts

With a variety of exciting activities, service projects, and educational sessions, young girls can build courage, confidence, and character!  Girls meet monthly as Daisies, Brownies, or Girl Scouts.  Meeting times, places, and activities vary according to age.  All training and certification will be provided for leaders and assistants as needed.



Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a group of Catholic men who work for and promote charity, unity, fraternalism, and patriotism.  Membership is open to any man who is a practicing Catholic.  The local Council (Charles Reymann #4664) has meetings on the first Monday of each month.


Saint Matthew Council of Catholic Women

The members of the SMCCW offer each other friendship and fellowship, share in the life of the parish, and work together to support the parish.  Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month.  Part of the ministry of the SMCCW is to cover the cost of many of the liturgical needs of the parish.  The members of the Council also support Church missions as well as local charities.  The major fund-raiser in support of these activities is the annual “Happy Holly Days Bazaar.”  This organization is open to all women of the parish. 

St. Matthew Parish Catholic Church

Mass Schedule:


Saturday:  4:00 pm Vigil

Sunday:    8:00 am 10:30 am


Weekdays: 8:00 am

(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday)


Holy Day:  4:00 pm Vigil, 8:00 am and 7:00 pm

Contact Us:

Parish Office


330-733-9424 (fax)




2603 Benton Avenue

Akron, Ohio 44312

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Holy Name 


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 Council of Catholic Women 


Knights of   Columbus  





Diocese of Cleveland


Catholic   Charities 

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