These ministers proclaim the Word of God at Mass, and are scheduled monthly, as well as for other celebrations. Training is provided as needed.
Communion Ministers
These ministers assist with the distribution of communion at Masses, and may also take Communion to the homebound.
Ushers / Hospitality Ministers
This traditional ministry welcomes visitors, takes up the collection, and assists in emergencies. Men and women of the parish have served as ushers in church for many years.
Altar Servers
Altar servers are scheduled to assist at weekend Masses as well as weddings and funerals. This ministry is for young people who are in the seventh grade and older. Adult servers assist at 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday mornings. Training for both adult and youth servers is provided. Servers are usually scheduled for Mass about once a month.
Worship Environment
A group of decorators gather occasionally during the year to provide an appropriate worship environment for our liturgical celebrations. Help is especially needed at Easter and Christmas.
Music Ministry includes the Adult Choir, Children's Choir, Funeral Choir, Cantors and Instrumentalists. Click here for more information.